Saturday, May 30, 2009

House hunting....gets scary.

In my hunt for a new place, I asked the lady who owns the cabanas to give me some help. She has some relatives who have cabanas a bit out of town so we had to drive. Keep in mind her car has no seatbelts in the back. First we drove out to a number of different entrances at which she would honk the horn alot then when no one answered she would move on assuming she was in the wrong place. Finally we end up in a small neighborhood where she proceeds to drive through honking her horn for someone to comeout so she can ask them where the place is she is looking for. I have been told that honking in Chile is not disrespectful like in the states. Judging from the look on the guys face who finally came out to answerr the beaps, he isn´t from here, because he looked awfully pissed off. Nevertheless, the people and we had passed the entrance. Now things get exciting. She proceeds to pull back onto the freeway (not little road) on the wrong side and start heading down the raod in the wrong direction. I am freaking out and trying to politely explain to her that she is on the wrong side. There are cars coming at us honking. She simply pulls over and then gets back on the wrong side and continues. In the end we did survive without being in an accident. I was glad for the cheap wine after that!!!!

I ended up deciding to go with the first cabana I looked at. I believe it is where God wants us, it is what we need nothing more or less. It is tiny(about 500 sq ft), but fits our needs. It has 2 bdrms one with a queen and the other a full and a set of bunkbeds. It is an excellent price and right by the lake with room for the dogs. I can not wait to move in Monday. No fire place, only a gas heater and stove. This means no more building fires ands getting burns. Figures, I finally got that down to a science. I am an excellent fire starter now.

I am not used to the lack of personal space. People are much more touchy feeling and closer here. I have choosen a meat store, veggie stand, and grocer who are my favorite. I am still experimenting with cheese stands. Found one yesterday that I liked. I plan to do a post on food soon. I am still struggling with not having Ken here, but knowing it should be only another week or so is helping a great deal. Also looking forward to getting into my new surroundings. OH yes it has not rained in 3 whole days, this helps also.

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