Friday, May 15, 2009

One week down

So I have been here one week. I did fall apart today. I learned last night that Ken and my brother will not be here till around June 8th. This will be a full month since i have seen him. I miss him a great deal, but I got to Skype with him alot today and it helped alot. I needed to talk to him. I am better now. I got out for a jog today and saw some beautiful country out of the town. i do like it here. Things are simple here.
Some interesting things, we buy milk in a small bag and pour it into a pitcher at home to keep in the frig. We buy small amounts of fresh bread everyday or two. It is yummy. I am sure I am going to gain wieght. Wine is CHEAP! eggs are expensive. Meat cheap. I accidentally bought lamb the other day, but it was very good. I will probably get it again. Honey is think and not clear like ours. Pastries are everywhere. It is common to have tea(or coffee) and cake around 4 or 5 then eat supper at 8 ish. Things just run on a different schedule here. I have figured out that in order to have hot water throughout my shower I have to turn on the cold water in the bathroom sink. I am getting better at the fire aqnd not burning myself. People here are very nice and the country side is gorgeous, reminds me of Maryland and Pennsylvania.

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